

Government Portals    
Directories to the U.S. government and all of its parts and departments.

Federal Gateway - directory.. gov't agencies and sites on the net.
FedWorld - information.. comprehensive inventory of federal gov't info and documents. - portal.. official search engine for the u.s. government. - directory.. links to
u.s. government agencies online.
Google Unclesam - search engine.. by; search for links by keyword.
GovConnect - portal.. federal, state, and local gov't and commercial sites. - directory.. links to goverment websites and agencies. - directory.. collection of
u.s. and state gov't links.
GPO Access - documents.. indexed official federal government information.
Great American Web Site - directory.. highlights the best and newest gov't websites. - reference.. fee req'd for some material, free reference almanac.
Politics1 - directory.. comprehensive guide to american politics. - directory.. simple searchable page of links to agencies and depts.
usgovsearch - search engine.. by northern light; search full-text gov't journals and the web.

B. Federal Government    
Guides and home pages for the U.S. executive, legislative, and judicial branches. - directory.. check out issues, legislation, or elected officials.
DefenseLINK - directory..
u.s. dep't of defense online, links to all military agencies.
Federal Gov't Agencies - links.. complete outline of federal agencies, no matter how small. - forms.. directory of federal forms online.
FedStats - statistics.. public data provided by federal gov't agencies.
Library of Congress - catalogue.. collection of nearly 121 million items, more than books.
US Courts - directory.. info about the judicial branch, links to all court websites.
US House of Reps - guide.. member bios, current house activities, committee offices.
US Senate - guide.. senator bios, legislative activities, and history.
White House - guide.. official site with presidential info, history, and news.

C. State/Local Government    
Resources for state, city, county, and other local governments.

Conference of Mayors - cities.. directory of mayors, spotlights newsworthy issues.
Government Guide - local.. by aol; local, state, and federal information by zip code.
NACo - counties.. nat'l association of counties; info on all u.s. counties.
Official City Sites - cities.. links to city and state gov'ts in 9 countries.
Piper Resources - states.. links to state, multi-state, local gov't websites. - state news.. state specific issue news stories and background info.
States News - state news.. council of state gov'ts site, covers state policies, news.
US State & Local Gateway - states.. search for state information by topic or issue.
Where to do Research - states.. links to state governments, governors, legislatures.

D. World Governments   
Portals and guides to international bodies and national governments.

Comparative/Foreign Gov't - index.. links to gov't home pages, reports, profiles, analysis, etc. - resource.. information on each of the embassies in Washington D.C. - directory.. search engine of the world's embassies and consulates.
Foreign Gov't Resources - directory.. links to gov't websites; search by subject or country.
Gov'ts on the WWW - directory.. complete outline of world gov'ts and useful related links.
Political Resources - directory.. guide to world gov't, movements, elections, orgs, more.
United Nations - official site.. details about the UN; daily breifing included.

E. Activism Sites  
Services promoting government involvement and interaction.

E-The People - community.. view and sign petitions, write letters, join political forums. - volunteerism.. directory of non-profit orgs and volunteer opportunities. - community.. news and resouces for present and ex military members.
Public Citizen - organization.. founded by Ralph Nader; consumer advocacy group. - mega-site.. complete news, resource, and political activism center. - interaction.. direct email contact with legislators; unbiased law summaries.
WorkingForChange - mega-site.. news, editorials, and activism center.